
Acelerate Your Brand


Creator Safe Music

Trusted by

Like having an entire music department that fits your budget.

Generate billions of views on
any platform.
Stay on trend.
Cover all your media, including
your ambassadors & influencers.
Never get muted, or taken down.
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Over 130K tracks

Hundreds of genres, playlists and sound effects.

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Soundtrack to Success
The Power of Music in Amplifying Brand Success

Created custom song “Girl, It’s Magic Time!” for Mac’s influencer campaign of the Magic Extension mascara.

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Whalar specializes in developing and executing creator-led marketing campaigns, and has worked with Slipstream to deliver a number of projects together. Their expertise in creating custom music, navigating licensing and executing successful hashtag challenges has enabled us to stay ahead of trends and consistently meet the evolving needs of our clients. We are proud to call them a trusted music partner.

Shannon Parker - Senior Director, Brand Solutions, NA, Whalar

Ready to take your social & content effort to the next level?

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